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Displaying 25 to 36 of 127 results
  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4202, Children's residential centre, West, 18 May 2023

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    Go to centre 4202, Children's residential centre, West, 18 May 2023
  • Children's
    (CPW) Child protection and welfare

    4419, Child protection and welfare, Dublin South West Kildare West Wicklow, 03 April 2023

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    Go to centre 4419, Child protection and welfare, Dublin South West Kildare West Wicklow, 03 April 2023
  • Children's
    (CPW) Child protection and welfare

    4425, Separated Children Seeking International Protection, 28 February 2023

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  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4167, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 21 March 2023

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    Go to centre 4167, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 21 March 2023
  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4176, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 04 May 2023

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    Go to centre 4176, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 04 May 2023
  • Children's
    (Foster) Foster care service

    4244, 28 March 2023

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    Go to centre 4244, 28 March 2023
  • Children's
    (Foster) Foster care service

    4248, Foster care service, Five Rivers Child Care, 28 February 2023

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    Go to centre 4248, Foster care service, Five Rivers Child Care, 28 February 2023
  • Children's
    (SCU) Special care unit

    4219, Special care unit, Coovagh House, 14 March 2023

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    Go to centre 4219, Special care unit, Coovagh House, 14 March 2023
  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4163, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 25 January 2023

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    Go to centre 4163, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 25 January 2023
  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4170, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 28 February 2023

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    Go to centre 4170, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 28 February 2023
  • Children's
    (Foster) Foster care service

    4245, Fostering First Ireland, 13 February 2023

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    Go to centre 4245, Fostering First Ireland, 13 February 2023
  • Children's
    (CRC) Children's residential centre

    4171, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 19 January 2023

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    Go to centre 4171, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 19 January 2023
Report and Dates Type Published date Download Report
4202, Children's residential centre, West, 18 May 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download
4419, Child protection and welfare, Dublin South West Kildare West Wicklow, 03 April 2023 (CPW) Child protection and welfare Download
4425, Separated Children Seeking International Protection, 28 February 2023 (CPW) Child protection and welfare Download
4167, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 21 March 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download
4176, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 04 May 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download
4244, 28 March 2023 (Foster) Foster care service Download
4248, Foster care service, Five Rivers Child Care, 28 February 2023 (Foster) Foster care service Download
4219, Special care unit, Coovagh House, 14 March 2023 (SCU) Special care unit Download
4163, Children's residential centre, Dublin Mid Leinster, 25 January 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download
4170, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 28 February 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download
4245, Fostering First Ireland, 13 February 2023 (Foster) Foster care service Download
4171, Children's residential centre, Dublin North East, 19 January 2023 (CRC) Children's residential centre Download