At HIQA, we aim to develop a consistent and standardised approach to the collection, use and sharing of health and social care information across services. This helps to drive improvements in the quality of health information and digital health in Ireland. We do this to support safer, better care and improved outcomes for all those who use health and social care services. For more on our work in health information, contact us at
What we do
- set national standards for the Irish health information and digital health landscape
- develop guidance and tools to support the implementation of these standards. We do this to drive improvements in information management, governance and data quality for health and social care services
- review compliance with national standards for health information
- keep a catalogue of national health and social care data collections in Ireland
- support the Department of Health in preparing for and implementing European regulations
- look at available information about health and social care services in Ireland and the health and welfare of the public. We use this information to provide advice and make recommendations to Government to inform policy and improve the quality of health and social care information in Ireland.
We do this by
- collaborating and engaging with key national and international stakeholders, including members of the public, health and social care professionals, national data collections, policy-makers and subject matter experts
- gathering national and international evidence on best practice and engage with key stakeholders through public consultations to inform policy, practice and standards.