FOIR 089 022
Requested on
Correspondence between senior HIQA officials with the HSE Chief Operations Manager concerning capacity issues on foot of the unannounced inspection of the Emergency Department at University Hospital Limerick (March 15th - Present)
7. FOIR 089 022.pdf30.71 KB
8. FOIR 089 022.pdf73.55 KB
9. FOIR 089 022.pdf75.84 KB
10. FOIR 089 022.pdf99.69 KB
FOIR 089 022 Schedule.pdf150.96 KB
1. FOIR 089 022.pdf36.21 KB
2. FOIR 089 022.pdf426.77 KB
3. FOIR 089 022.pdf72.04 KB
3a. Decision letter_Redacted.pdf794.59 KB
4. FOIR 089 022.pdf73.75 KB
5. FOIR 089 022.pdf75.69 KB
6. FOIR 089 022.pdf419.86 KB