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Brentwood Manor Private Nursing Home

Centre ID:
Centre type:
Older Person's
Letterkenny Road, Convoy, F93 PK11 Map
074 914 7700
Maximum Occupancy:
Older Person's Services

Inspection Reports

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Registration Information

Under the Functions of the Chief Inspector as set out in the Health Act 2007 (Amended) (section 41 (b) the Chief inspector is required to (b) establish and maintain one or more registers of designated centres. The content of the register is outlined by Statutory Instrument and includes such as (but not limited to) the below;

  • Date of registration and the expiry date
  • Registered provider and related contact details
  • Person in charge
  • Persons participating in management of the designated centre
  • The number of residents that can be accommodated at the designated centre
  • Any conditions applying

Please click on the link to access the register detail of this designated centre.

Download the register detail of this designated centre.

Register Type
Register A