Irish Hip Fracture Database (IHFD)

Data Collection Type
National data collections of health and social care in Ireland

National Office of Clinical Audit (NOCA).

Year established


Statement of purpose

Develop a prospective audit of case-mix, care standards and outcomes for hip fracture care and use synergy of standards, data, feedback and quality improvement to focus attention on hip fracture care locally and nationally. It benchmarks care and uses data to create a drive for sustained improvements in clinical standards and cost-effectiveness.

IHFD objectives can be found at this link:

In scope:
- All hospitals that provide acute hip fracture services, n=16
- All patients with principle or secondary diagnosis ICD 10 AM codes either identified as a HIPE Injury Diagnosis Code S72.00 to S72.2 OR with a specified type of hip fracture (e.g. intracapsular – displaced, intracapsular – undisplaced, intertrochanteric, or subtrochanteric) are recorded in the IHFD
- All cases recorded are >18 years of age and the reference population for the national report are >60 years of age
- For hospital level reporting each hospital must have >80% of their hip fracture cases submitted to the IHFD.

Out of scope:
- Hospitals who do not provide hip fracture services
- All cases 18 years of age.

Coverage (geographical and temporal)

National - all acute hospitals that operate on hip fracture patients (16 Hospitals in total).

Coverage is based on discharges within the calendar year for example 1/1/22-31/12/22. The percentage of patients with HIPE episodes for hip fracture with data coded on the IHFD are included. The HIPE system closes the national HIPE file usually by 31/3/23).


The Irish Hip Fracture Database (IHFD) is a web based system that uses the HIPE (Hospital In-patient Enquiry) portal infrastructure. It audits care standards and outcomes for patients with hip fractures.

Data users

Hospital managers/ CEO’s, hip fracture governance committees, hospital groups, Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO), Business Intelligence Unit (BIU), Clinical Programme for Trauma and Orthopaedics, National Office of Trauma Services.

Data content

Demographics, details of time/date of injury, type of injury, time to surgery, surgeon grade, anaesthetic grade, type of fracture, surgery, anaesthetic, input from geriatrician, falls assessment, bone health assessment, physiotherapy input.
Outcomes- LOS, discharge destination, functional outcomes.

Data dictionary

Data dictionary and abbreviated data dictionary available at request from IHFD audit manager. Details on the

National-level identifier variables

No national level identifiers are available.

Equity stratifiers

The HIPE variables merged with the IHFD dataset includes: age, gender, marital status (not reported on).

Data collection methodology

Data is taken from the medical record by clinical staff with permitted access and inputted into the IHFD add-on screen on the HIPE portal.

Data can be entered while the patient is an in-patient and completed on discharge. Data entry is requested to be complete within the quarter following discharge from hospital.
All data must be submitted by the close of the HIPE file, usually one quarter after end of calendar year.
A data collection/ reporting calendar with quarterly targets is used each year for the hospitals to align their data entry to.

Clinical coding scheme

ICD 10 AM.

Size of national collection

3700 records created on average nationally.

Publication frequency

Quarterly data on the seven Irish Hip Fracture Standards (IHFS) are reported to the hospitals and hospital groups, HPO and Clinical Programme for Trauma and Orthopaedics along with the Best Practice Tariff.
Quarterly reports are sent to the BIU on IHFS 2.
Quarterly BPT reports are shared with the HPO.
Annual reports.

Accessing data

Open data portal access


Email contact
Telephone contact