National Spinal Injuries Unit

Data Collection Type
National data collections of health and social care in Ireland

National Spinal Injuries Unit, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (MMUH).

Year established

2008 (June- Excel database)
2012 (January- ongoing - Patient Advocate Tracking System (P.A.T.S.).

Statement of purpose

To capture all spinal injury consultations, referrals, OPD & admissions to the Mater Hospital (does not include details of treatment in other hospitals).

Coverage (geographical and temporal)


Commenced in June 2008 and is ongoing.


This is a register for all Spinal patients referred for consultation/ admission to the Mater Hospital. It uses Patient Advocate Tracking System (PATS) software.

Data users

HSE, policy makers, clinical teams and researchers.

Data content

Demographics, mechanism, type and location of injury, American Spinal Injury Association Score, advice given, if inpatient – procedure information.

Data dictionary

International Spinal Cord Injury Core Data Set (available on request).

National-level identifier variables


Equity stratifiers

Sex, age, area of residence captured. Equity stratifies not specifically identified currently.

Data collection methodology

Referring hospitals use online Spinal Portal. Data draw down weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, and as and when required.

Clinical coding scheme

ICD-10. (International Classification of Diseases)

Size of national collection

If it is just new cases, and not including referral only roughly 400 annually.

Publication frequency

Six monthly and annual reports for audit and research purposes.

Accessing data

Contact the Spinal Data Manager in the Orthopaedic Department, Mater Hospital.

Open data portal access


Email contact
Telephone contact