State of the Nation's Children
Department of Children, Equality,
Disability, Integration, and Youth, Research and Evaluation Unit.
To chart the well-being of children in Ireland, track changes over time, benchmark progress in Ireland relative to other countries and highlight policy issues arising. Included are data relating to all children aged 0-17 years resident in Ireland, as well as various international comparisons of this cohort. A small number of indicators include young adults 18-24 years.
National - children aged 0-17 years.
Data presented range from the year 2000, in the first version, to 2021, in the most recent version.
The State of the Nation’s Children report provides a description of child well-being in Ireland. It brings together information from administrative, survey and census data. The report is arranged around four broad categories, these are socio-demographics, children’s relationships, children’s outcomes, formal and informal supports. The Research and Evaluation Unit within the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) prepares this publication, with input provided by a variety of data providers.
The following sources are used to compile this report:
- Central Statistics Office: Census of the Population;
- Central Statistics Office: Vital Statistics;
- Central Statistics Office: European Union Survey of Income and Living conditions (EU-SILC);
- Department of Children and Youth Affairs: ECCE Database (Programmes Implementation Platform)
- Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government: Summary of Social Housing Assessments
- Department of Justice and Equality: Annual Report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme (An Garda Síochána);
- Educational Research Centre: Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Survey;
- Healthcare Pricing Office: National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS);
- Healthcare Pricing Office: Hospital In-Patient Enquiry System
- Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway: Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children (HBSC) Survey;
- Health Protection Surveillance Centre: Immunisation Uptake Statistics;
- Health Research Board: National Intellectual Disability Database (NIDD);
- Health Research Board: National Physical and Sensory Disability Database (NPSDD);
- Health Service Executive Performance Indicators;
- Hospital In-Patient Enquiry (HIPE);
- National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System (NPIRS);
- National Suicide Research Foundation: National Self-Harm Registry;
- National Nutrition Surveillance Centre: European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative
- National Treatment Purchase Fund: Patient Treatment Register (PTR);
- Population Estimates, CSO;
- Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS);
- Summary of Social Housing Assessments, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government;
- Tusla, the Child and Family Agency: Review of Adequacy Reports;
- Tusla, the Child and Family Agency: Primary and Post-Primary Pupil Annual School Attendance;
- Tusla, the Child and Family Agency: Outturn of Monthly Activity Data Returns and Quarterly Performance Indicator Returns.
Key data users include:
- Irish government departments
- Academic researchers
- Policy, Research, and Advocacy bodies for children
- Interested members of public.
children’s outcomes health; children’s outcomes social,
emotional and behavioural; formal and informal supports.
No data dictionary.
Equity stratifiers included:
- County/Region
- Gender
- Educational attainment
- Socioeconomic class
- Traveller Status
- Immigrant status
- Disability and/or chronic illness status.
The Research and Evaluation Unit of the DCEDIY compile data from the most recent and reliable survey, census and administrative sources as listed above via direct contact with the sources and/or drawing on
existing published data. These data sources publish at various frequencies, from quarterly to Quinquennially (every 5 years).
147 Tables &
30 Figures.
Available on DCEDIY website (
Hard copies available from Government
Publications or DCEDIY on request.