National Data Collection | Organisation | |
Cystic Fibrosis Registry of Ireland. |
Deaths relating to all residents in Approved Centres and Community Mental Health Centres |
Mental Health Commission (MHC)- Standards and Quality Assurance Division. |
Diabetic RetinaScreen (The National Diabetic Retina Screening Programme) |
National Screening Service. |
Enhanced Bacteraemia (Bloodstream infections) Surveillance in Ireland |
Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC). |
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO- Europe), Copenhagen, Denmark. |
European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) |
TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland (TFRI). |
European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC), School of Arts and Social Sciences, City, University of London. |
Eurostat |
Global Registry of Alopecia Areata Disease Severity and treatment Safety - Ireland (GRASS - Ireland) |
National and International Skin Registry Solutions (NISR) CLG |
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) — National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland |
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in association with the Central Statistics Office. |
Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC). |
National Health Intelligence Unit, Research & Evidence, Strategy and Research, Jervis House, Jervis St., Dublin 1. D01 W596. |
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