The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition. The use of standardised language is important for clarity and consistency and all providers of social care are encouraged to use the Lexicon in their communications with HIQA. Below are links to useful documents as well as a search function for the Lexicon.

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  • Guidance for providers on submitting notifications

  • Lexicon for Social Care (PDF)

  • Infographic about the Lexicon


Lexicon catalogue

Displaying 193 - 204 of 411 results.
Term Description

Infection prevention control (IPC) person/team

A person or team that advises on the prevention, surveillance, investigation and control of infection.


A process in which people are given important information, including possible risks and benefits, about for example, a medical procedure or treatment.


Physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack.


The act of looking at something carefully, or an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything is correct and legal.


A person appointed as an inspector of social services under section 43 of the act.

Institutional abuse

Mistreatment of a person due to the practices of an organisation.

Intellectual disability (ID)

A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning) which started before adulthood (18 years), with a lasting effect on development.

Intensive interaction

An approach that can be used by everyone involved in supporting a child or adult to interact with other people and develop communication skills in a natural, relaxed and enjoyable way.

Interprofessional collaboration

Collaborative practice happens when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings.


To coerce someone in a threatening or frightening manner in order to persuade them to act according to your wishes.

Intravenous (IV)

Into or connected to a vein.


The act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth.