Have your say on HIQA’s new corporate plan
HIQA has today launched a public consultation on its draft Corporate Plan 2019–2021 and encourages members of the public and stakeholders to share their views on the future direction of the organisation.
HIQA’s mission is to improve health and social care services for the people of Ireland. Our broad and diverse remit has grown substantially since our establishment in 2007, and will continue to do so over the coming years. The draft Corporate Plan 2019–2021 outlines HIQA’s core values and operating environment, and sets out the key objectives we wish to achieve by 2021.
Launching the public consultation, HIQA CEO Phelim Quinn said: “HIQA strives for excellence and continually seeks to improve the quality of the work we do. One way of doing this is to draw on the strengths of our stakeholders and listen to the views of those using, providing, funding and planning health and social care services.
“HIQA does not operate in isolation. To influence the delivery of safer, better services for the Irish public, we work together with our partners on initiatives such as the National Patient Experience Survey and HRB-CICER, and on the development of standards, for example the draft national standards for adult safeguarding. We will continue to build on these collaborations over the coming years, while seeking to establish new, constructive partnerships”.
The draft Corporate Plan 2019–2021 is available on our website www.hiqa.ie. To take part in the consultation, please complete the short online survey by 5pm on Friday, 23 November 2018. If you wish to receive a hard copy of the survey please send an email to corporateplan@hiqa.ie or call (01) 8286720.
Following the consultation, all submissions will be reviewed and will inform the final version of the corporate plan. When approved, the Corporate Plan 2019–2021 will be submitted to the Minister for Health for his consideration. Following this, the document will be laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas.
All submissions received will be used solely for the development of this corporate plan and will be handled in accordance with data protection legislation. In addition, all submissions are subject to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 and may be released in response to an FOI request. If you have any concerns regarding your data, please contact infogovernance@hiqa.ie.
For further information please contact:
Marty Whelan, Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement (01) 8147480 / 086 2447623 mwhelan@hiqa.ie