FOIR 028 022
Amended request: Records containing up-to-date evidence-based risk assessments and up-to-date risk/benefit analysis/analyses regarding the imposition of mask mandates in retail and other settings. I want to see the scientific justification for mask mandates in these settings compared to all other settings where there are no mask mandates e.g. evidence that the alleged virus is prevalent in these settings and not others.
Records containing up-to-date evidence-based risk assessments and up-to-date risk/benefit analysis/analyses with regard to the continuing imposition of face mask wearing by children in schools. I want to see the scientific justification for mask mandates in the school setting compared to all other settings where there are no mask mandates for children e.g. evidence that the alleged virus is prevalent in these settings and not others.
Records containing up-to-date reports on the continuing imposition of face mask wearing on children in school settings and on adults in other settings. I want to see the scientific justification for mask mandates in these settings compared to all other settings where there are no mask mandates e.g. reports reporting that the alleged virus is prevalent in these settings and not others.
Original request: . Has NPHET carried out an up-to-date evidence-based risk assessment and risk/benefit analysis regarding the imposition of mask mandates in retail and other settings, particularly bearing in mind the recent lifting of restrictions by government? Please don't refer me to WHO etc documents. I would like to see NPHET's own assessment and one that was done in the last few weeks. NPHET want Irish people to wear masks. I do not think it unreasonable to see an assessment of the Irish situation by the Irish bodies charged with Irish public health issues.
2. Has NPHET carried out an up-to-date evidence-based risk assessment and risk/benefit analysis with regard to the continuing imposition of face mask wearing by children in schools and other settings?
3. Has NPHET requested an up-to-date report from HIQA with regard to the continuing imposition of face mask wearing by children in schools and other settings?
4. If the NPHET has not requested an up-to-date report from HIQA with regard to the continuing imposition of face mask wearing by children in schools and other settings, why have they not done so?
5. What is the expertise/qualifications of the members of NPHET which qualifies them to make such decisions and recommendations with regarding the Health and wellbeing of children?
6. What studies and data have been relied upon by NPHET to form the basis for the statement that “Covid-19 still poses a risk to public health” and that “The evolution of Sars-CoV-2 can be expected to continue, Omicron is unlikely to be the last Variant of Concern (VOC) we will have to face, and the global public health risk remains very high.” Why on earth have the restrictions been lifted if the public health risk remains high?
7. On what published studies and recorded data precisely does the NPHET rely to ground the statement that the Omicron Variant is a Variant Of Concern?
8. On what basis does the NPHET state that mask use should continue in schools and other settings, in view of the removal of the requirement in the UK and many other countries? Why is Ireland retaining them? Where is the evidence to substantiate the difference of approach between the UK and Ireland?
9. Is NPHET and Department Of Health prepared to be transparent with the public and publish all data, studies, assessments, reports and any other documentation or global public health advice relied upon to continue to impose restrictions on the Irish people in this manner?
10. Who exactly in NPHET is signing the advice to Government regarding face masks? Who is legally responsible for these mandates?
11. I have asked this question before and have not gotten a reply. A huge proportion of the Irish population are wearing fashion masks that contain tags that advise they do not protect against viruses. I assume NPHET have no problem with these as they have not mentioned them in their latest advice or in any previous advice for that matter. What assessment has NPHET carried out to show that these types of masks will stop the transmission of the virus that you claim exists? I assume there is no such assessment. So, why is this not a concern for NPHET?
12. A lot of employees are required to wear masks. Has NPHET assessed mask wearing in the workplace e.g. whether the employees' masks are merely fashion masks which the retailers and manufacturers themselves state do not protect against viruses? As for all other PPE, are employees' masks checked at regular intervals for wear and tear?
13. If there is no science behind the mask mandates, please provide the documents that show the non-scientific reasons e.g. are they based on some belief system? has NPHET/the Government taken instructions from some other institution? Are they based on a desire by NPHET/the Government to humiliate the public? Please let me have the reasons if you cannot provide any scientific reasons