Irish National Audit of Stroke (INAAS)

Data Collection Type
National data collections of health and social care in Ireland

National Office of Clinical Audit (NOCA).

Year established

2012 - under governance of the HSE National Stroke Programme, governance transferred to NOCA in 2019.

Statement of purpose

Aim: To conduct audit of stroke care including clinical care and service organisation.

INAS objectives can be found at this link:

In scope:
- All hospitals that provide acute stroke services, n=24
- All patients with principle diagnosis ICD 10 AM codes i61 (haemorrhagic stroke), i63 (Ischaemic stroke), i64 (stroke unspecified) or with a hospital acquired diagnosis (HADx) of ICD 10 AM codes i61, i63, i64
- All cases reported are >16 years of age
- For inclusion in the INAS National report each hospital must have >80% of their stroke cases submitted to the stroke audit portal.
Out of scope:
- Hospitals who do not provide acute stroke services
- All cases 16 years of age
- Cases coded as subarachnoid haemorrhage (ICD 10 AM i60).
- Cases coded as sub-dural haemorrhage (ICD 10 AM i62).
- Hospitals with 80% of their stroke cases submitted to the stroke audit portal within the HIPE (Hospital In-patient Enquiry) system.

Coverage (geographical and temporal)

National. All hospitals that provide acute stroke services, n=24.

Coverage is based on discharges within the calendar year for example 1/1/22-31/12/22. The percentage of patients with ICD 10 AM codes i61, i63, i64 discharged from each of the 24 hospitals who have >80% of those cases with additional clinical audit data submitted to the stroke audit portal within the HIPE system by the close of the HIPE file (normally closed by 31/3/23).


The Irish National Audit of Stroke is a web based system that uses the HIPE portal infrastructure. It audits against agreed standards and guidelines and reports on outcomes for patients with stroke.

Data users

HSE Business Intelligence Unit, hospital groups, hospital managers/CEO’s, clinical stroke teams.

Data content

Demographics, emergency care timeliness (e.g. Door to Imaging, Thrombolysis, Thrombectomy), stroke unit care, secondary preventions, outcomes, health and social care professional dataset.

Data dictionary

Data dictionary not currently available online but available on request from NOCA please see for contact details.

National-level identifier variables

No access to individual identifiers available Nationally.

Equity stratifiers

The INAS data dictionary links to the HIPE data dictionary which includes age and gender.

Data collection methodology

Data is taken from the medical record by audit coordinators (senior nursing staff) with permitted access and inputted into the HIPE stroke audit portal.

Data can be entered while the patient is an in-patient and completed on discharge. Data entry is requested to be complete within the quarter following discharge from hospital.

All data must be submitted by the close of the HIPE file, usually one quarter after end of calendar year.

Clinical coding scheme

ICD 10 AM.

Size of national collection


Publication frequency

Three KPIs reported quarterly to the HSE BIU and to the Hospital Groups – preliminary data until year end.

National report published annually.

Dashboard reports due to be reported quarterly in 2022.

Accessing data

Open data portal access


Email contact
Telephone contact