National Thoracic Surgery Outcomes

Data Collection Type
Data collections with regional coverage

Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland.

Year established


Statement of purpose

To measure the quality of care of adult thoracic surgery and provide information for quality improvement and research.

To encourage improvement of clinical outcomes for patients and to promote the importance of integrating quality improvement initiatives into daily clinical practice.

All thoracic surgical procedures performed by the team at Galway University Hospital.

Coverage (geographical and temporal)

All patients who attend Galway University Hospital for thoracic surgery. Galway University Hospital is a tertiary referral hospital and part of the Saolta Hospital Group which covers a large geographical area in the West and North West of Ireland serving a population of over 700,000 people within its catchment area.

2020-2021 thoracic surgery mortality data has been submitted to SCTS for presentation at the thoracic forum in coming months.


This is a register for all patients who attend Galway University Hospital and undergo thoracic surgery.

Data users

Clinical teams and researchers.

Data content

Thoracic Surgery
Data collected includes a breakdown of the procedure type and method of surgical incision as well as number of deaths associated with each procedure type.

Data dictionary

Thoracic SCTS template collects data pertaining to the number of open approach, endoscopic approach and robotic procedures as well as the number of mortalities under a number of sub-sections; lung resections-primary malignant, lung resections-all other pathologies, mesothelioma surgery (therapeutic), pleural procedures-other, chest wall- diaphragmatic procedures, mediastinal procedures, oesophageal/gastric procedures, tracheal surgery and ‘other’ surgery- major and minor.

National-level identifier variables


Equity stratifiers


Data collection methodology

Data is submitted to the SCTS research team.
Annual basis (financial year).

Clinical coding scheme


Size of national collection

Thoracic-In excess of 25,000 procedures annually.

Publication frequency

Annual. Published in an anonymised report.

Accessing data

Annual Reports published by SCTS.

Open data portal access


Telephone contact
Other comments

Morbidity and mortality cases are regularly presented at morbidity and mortality conferences with multi-disciplinary representation by departments including cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, anaesthesia, nursing and perfusion.
Key Performance Indicators are also monitored for lung cancer patients by the National Cancer Centre Control Programme (NCCP).