HIQA international review finds agile responses planned for winter COVID surges

Date of publication:

HIQA reviewed the public health measures that 21 countries have planned to use this winter to limit the impact of COVID-19 surges. The review was completed to inform the work of the COVID-19 Advisory Group (CAG) and to assist with Ireland’s winter planning.

HIQA’s review found that most countries were taking a holistic approach to their winter surge planning. Many require multiple criteria to be considered (for example, severity of disease associated with a new variant and health services capacity) when determining the threat posed by a COVID-19 surge.

Vaccination strategies for both COVID 19 and flu were found to be a significant component of winter surge planning. The majority of countries have planned COVID-19 booster vaccine campaigns for targeted groups, usually those most at risk of severe disease or those working in close proximity to them. However, some countries, like Czechia and the Netherlands, have recommended widespread use of booster doses. Eight of the countries have expanded access to the ‘flu vaccine this year.

From the review, HIQA noted that test and trace plans for some countries allow for different levels of testing depending on the situation. This includes both widespread testing and targeted testing, and may depend on the transmissibility of the virus, the disease severity associated with the variant and healthcare usage at any given time. Other countries have planned for the potential reintroduction of face coverings in certain situations.


HIQA’s Deputy Director of Health Technology Assessment, Shelley O’Neill, said: “With the winter season approaching, there is an increased risk of COVID-19 surges happening simultaneously with flu outbreaks. Most countries in our review are planning for this; in Ireland we have already begun our winter COVID-19 booster and flu vaccine campaigns. Many countries are preparing to implement further public health measures in addition to the vaccination strategies, if needed, as the season unfolds. As with any winter, we advise that you maintain cough etiquette, stay at home if symptomatic and avail of any vaccines recommended for you.”

In addition to the review of planned public health strategies, HIQA has published a catalogue of institutions undertaking COVID-19 horizon scanning. The catalogue identifies national and international institutions and organisations that conduct horizon scanning for evidence of emerging COVID-19 health technologies, practices and interventions. This includes COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines and other health technologies.

You can find the review and catalogue from the link at the top of the page.


For further information please contact:

Marty Whelan, Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement

01 814 7480 / 085 805 5202 / mwhelan@hiqa.ie

Notes to the editor:

  • HIQA has today published the following documents to inform the COVID-19 Advisory Group’s response to COVID-19:
    • Planned public health measures and strategies to limit the impact of COVID-19 surges: an international review
    • Catalogue of institutions undertaking COVID-19 horizon scanning
  • The latest public health guidance can be found here.
  • HSE guidance for how to keep well during winter can be found here. Learn more about the flu vaccine here and about receiving a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine here.  
  • HIQA’s COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis Team provides evidence reports and evidence-based advice to the Department of Health to inform public health policy, advice and practice in the context of COVID-19.