The effectiveness and acceptability of evidence synthesis summary formats for clinical guideline development groups: a mixed-methods systematic review

This mixed methods systematic review aimed to evaluate the preferences for and attitudes towards different evidence synthesis summary formats amongst guideline development group members (e.g., clinicians, policy makers, methodologists, patients, etc.) The objectives were to assess: (1) how and to what degree do different evidence synthesis summary formats (digital, visual, audio) impact the end user’s understanding of the review findings? and 2) What are the end users’ preferences for and attitudes towards these formats?

Date of publication: 27 DF 2022
Authors: Melissa K. Sharp, Dayang Anis Binti Awang Baki, Joan Quigley, Barrie Tyner, Declan Devane, Kamal R. Mahtani, Susan M. Smith, Michelle O’Neill, Máirín Ryan & Barbara Clyne
Journal: Implementation Science
Digital object identifier: 10.1186/s13012-022-01243-2
Type of output: Evidence synthesis
Suggested Citation:

Sharp MK, Baki DABA, Quigley J, Tyner B, Devane D, Mahtani KR, Smith SM, O’Neill M, Ryan M, Clyne B. The effectiveness and acceptability of evidence synthesis summary formats for clinical guideline development groups: a mixed-methods systematic review. Implementation Science. 2022;17, 74