Disability services publication statement 4 September 2023

Date of publication:
  • Reports published 4 September 2023


Today, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 27 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Of these 27 inspections, inspectors found a generally good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 17 centres operated by a number of providers including; Avista CLG, Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG, Clann Mór Residential and Respite CLG, Dundas Unlimited Company, GALRO Unlimited Company, and Health Service Executive (HSE).

Examples of good practice observed by inspectors included: 

  • At a centre in Dublin operated by Avista CLG, comprehensive arrangements for meeting residents’ needs were in place, with access to a range of multidisciplinary supports such as nursing care, occupational therapy, psychology and speech and language therapy. Residents were also supported by staff to mark key life events, with one resident recently celebrating a significant birthday and staff arranging both catering and an entertainer for the event. 
  • At a centre in Donegal operated by the HSE, residents’ rights were actively promoted. Residents were encouraged to express their choices and preferences about weekly menus and planned activities. Residents’ goals and preferences were also the focus of personal support plans, with appropriate resources available. Furthermore, residents’ preferences were reflected in the decoration of the centre.
  • At a centre in Meath operated by Dundas Unlimited Company, residents’ independence was both supported and promoted, with one resident attending college and also being assisted in their goal to undertake voluntary work. Another resident was also being supported to plan a holiday to Spain to attend a wedding and to attend a weekend musical festival.

Inspectors identified non-compliance with the regulations and standards on a further 10 inspections. 

Four reports have been published on centres operated by Avista CLG. A high level of non-compliance was identified at one centre due to residents’ welfare and rights, staff training, premises, staffing, and managing risks. At the other centres, improvements were required in safeguarding arrangements, residents’ privacy, and premises.

At a centre operated by GALRO Unlimited Company, improvements were needed across a number of areas including residents’ rights, personal plans and healthcare, as well as to the provider’s overall governance arrangements. 

Two reports have been published on centres operated by Cheeverstown House CLG. Urgent action was required to address fire safety measures at one centre, in addition to issues with staffing and residents’ personal finances. Governance and fire precautions also required improvement at the other centre. 

Two non-compliant reports have been published on centres operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG. Across these centres, improvements were required in fire safety, safeguarding measures, staff training, and the suitability of the premises. 

Finally, staffing and the premises of a HSE-operated centre required improvement.