Older people's services publication statement 21 November 2023

Date of publication:
  • Reports published 21 November 2023


The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 43 inspection reports on residential centres for older people. Inspections were carried out between April and September 2023. The Chief Inspector has statutory responsibility for independently regulating designated centres for older people for compliance with the Health Act (2007) Regulations and the National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland (2016), to ensure that the people living in these services are safe and well cared for.

Of the 43 reports published, inspectors found evidence of good practice and compliance with the regulations and standards in a number of inspections. Seven thematic inspection reports focusing on the use of restrictive practices were found to be compliant and four were found to be substantially compliant with the National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland. A further 18 centres were either fully compliant or substantially compliant with the regulations. In general, these centres were found to be meeting residents’ needs and delivering care in line with the national standards and regulations.

Levels of non-compliance varied in the remaining inspection reports, with 10 centres non-compliant with three regulations or less, and four centres non-compliant with four or more regulations. On these inspections, non-compliance was identified in areas including: staffing, records, governance and management, notification of incidents, complaints procedure, premises, infection control, temporary absence or discharge of residents, fire precautions, individual assessments and care plans, protection, and residents' rights.

Where non-compliance with the regulations was identified, providers were required to submit compliance plans to demonstrate how they will make improvements and come into compliance with the regulations.

A full list of reports published today accompanies this statement.

Reports and compliance plans can be found on www.hiqa.ie.