The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition. The use of standardised language is important for clarity and consistency and all providers of social care are encouraged to use the Lexicon in their communications with HIQA. Below are links to useful documents as well as a search function for the Lexicon.

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  • Guidance for providers on submitting notifications

  • Lexicon for Social Care (PDF)

  • Infographic about the Lexicon


Lexicon catalogue

Displaying 181 - 192 of 411 results.
Term Description


A device that is worn on the head to protect from injury.


A device to safely lift and transfer someone who has limited mobility.


A type of residential building.

Human rights-based approach to care and support

Care and support that seeks to ensure that the human rights of people using services are protected, promoted and supported by staff and services.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Rights-based care; human rights-based approach to care; rights based support


A disease of the body or mind.


The process of making something better or of getting better.

Incontinence wear

Disposable clothing worn by persons who have difficulties with continence.


Being able to manage on one's own without assistance or support.


The unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people.


The quality of being unfair, or something that is not fair or equal.


A condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body.

Infection prevention and control (IPC)

A suite of practices and processes designed to minimise the risk of infections and limit the spread of infections.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Infection control