Disability services publication statement 17 August 2023

Date of publication:
  • Reports published 17 August 2023


Today, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 27 inspection reports on infection control in designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

The infection prevention and control (IPC) inspection programme aims to promote continuous quality improvement in infection prevention and control in line with the National Standards for infection prevention and control in community services (2018), as published by HIQA. 

Inspectors found a generally good level of compliance with the regulations and standards across 21 centres inspected. 

Good practice was observed by inspectors in centres operated by: Autism Initiatives Ireland CLG, Avista CLG, Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG, Gheel Autism Services CLG, Health Service Executive (HSE), Nua Healthcare Services Limited, Praxis Care, Redwood Extended Care Facility Unlimited Company, St John of God Community Services CLG and St Michael's House.

Examples of good practice included:

  • Up-to-date staff training coupled with comprehensive management audits ensured that infection control standards were maintained in centres.
  • Clear infection prevention and control policies and relevant signage ensured that staff knowledge and practices were consistent. 
  • Upgrading and maintenance of the premises ensured that residents’ needs were met and that the spread of infection was reduced. 

However, six centres operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG, St John of God Community Services CLG and The Rehab Group were found to be non-compliant, which meant that residents were not being adequately protected from the risk of infection. These providers were required to take actions to improve their infection prevention and control arrangements. 

Examples of areas requiring improvement included:

  • Measures were required to remove mould and evidence of damp from a centre inspected.
  • Improvements were required to ensure IPC policies were up to date and included other respiratory illnesses in addition to COVID-19.
  • Improvements were required in the oversight of maintenance at centres to ensure effective cleaning and disinfection.

Read all reports at the link below.