Disability services publication statement 23 August 2023

Date of publication:
  • Reports published 23 August 2023


Today, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 35 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Of these 35 inspections, inspectors found a generally good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 17 centres operated by a number of providers including; Nua Healthcare Services Limited, St Hilda's Services, St John of God Community Services CLG, St Michael's House, St. Aidan's Day Care Centre CLG, Stewarts Care Limited, Talbot Care Unlimited Company, The Cheshire Foundation in Ireland and The Rehab Group.

Examples of good practice observed by inspectors included: 

  • At a centre in Offaly operated by Nua Healthcare Services Limited, the provider had ensured that the care and support provided was reflective of the needs of younger people. Residents were encouraged to decorate their own apartments to reflect their likes and interests. Residents could access all parts of the centre, including their own individual outside garden space, as well as enjoy community activities, with one resident telling the inspector about trips to Dublin, family visits and how staff supported them to go to a specialist book shop which they enjoyed.  
  • At a centre in Tipperary operated by Resilience Healthcare Limited, residents’ communication needs were promoted and supported by staff. Staff were both responsive and knowledgeable on how residents expressed their needs and supported them to explore their interests. For example, at one resident’s recent birthday celebrations they were joined by member of the GAA community due to their interest in hurling, and the inspector observed that photos and memorabilia were on display. 
  • At a centre in Dublin operated by Stewarts Care Limited, inspectors observed staff interacting warmly with residents and in a manner which supported their communication and behaviour support needs. The centre had also been adapted to ensure access for all residents, for example the kitchen table was positioned at an accessible height for residents, and the adapted kettle enabled residents to make their own tea and coffee. 

Six reports are being published for Western Care Association centres for inspections that took place prior to the focused inspection programme in March 2023. The findings of that programme are available on www.hiqa.ie. 

Inspectors identified non-compliance with the regulations and standards on a further 12 inspections. 

Four reports have been published on centres operated by Saint Patrick's Centre (Kilkenny)/trading as Aurora-Enriching Lives, Enriching Communities. Across these centres, improvements were needed to ensure greater access for residents to their personal finances. In addition, in one centre further improvements were required in areas such as fire safety and staffing.

Improved safeguarding arrangements and complaints management were required at a centre operated by the Rehab Group.

At a centre operated by Sunbeam House Services CLG, improvements were required in arrangements for residents’ personal plans.

Residents’ rights and living arrangements which impacted on known safeguarding risks required improvements at a centre operated by St Michael’s House. 

At two centres operated by St John of God Community Services CLG, improvements were required in fire safety, premises and staffing. 

A review of residents’ healthcare supports and written policies was required at a centre operated by St Catherine's Association CLG. Better governance and management arrangements were required at a centre operated by St Hilda's Services.

Finally, staffing and arrangements for the management of complaints required improvement at a centre operated by Nua Healthcare Services Limited.

Read all reports at the link below.