Disability services publication statement 8 August 2023

Date of publication:
  • Reports published 8 August 2023


Today, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 40 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Of these 40 inspections, inspectors found a generally good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 16 centres operated by a number of providers including; Avista CLG, Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG, Carriglea Cáirde Services, Clann Mór Residential and Respite CLG, COPE Foundation, Dara Residential Services, Gateway Community Care Limited, and Health Service Executive (HSE).

Examples of good practice observed by inspectors included: 

  • At a centre in Tipperary operated by Avista CLG, staff spoke about the positive impact of recent human rights training on the care and support provided to residents. Staff spoke about how they had supported one resident to live at the centre more independently regardless of their advancing years, which was reflected in the resident's home being adapted over the last number of years to meet their changing needs.
  • At a centre in Roscommon operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG, the rights and choices of residents were to the forefront. Residents were supported to enjoy a range of activities, with one resident being involved with the Special Olympics and supported to practice bowling weekly. Residents also enjoyed regular activities such as swimming and aqua aerobics, cinema trips, shopping, and outings to local restaurants and places of interest. Residents could also choose whether to access a day service in their local area or have a bespoke home-based service provided by the centre’s staff. 
  • At a centre in Waterford operated by Carriglea Cáirde Services, inspectors observed the positive relationships between residents and the staff supporting them. Residents were supported by experienced staff in a kind, gentle and caring way. One resident was observed being supported by staff when using their wheelchair to go out and about. The staff member was observed continually speaking with the resident, smiling, gesturing and stopping and smelling flowers with the resident while moving through the gardens.

Inspectors identified non-compliance with the regulations and standards on 24 inspections. 

Due to persistent poor findings in a number of Ability West centres in Galway and the provider’s failure to implement sustained improvements, the provider was required to submit an organisation-wide governance improvement plan in April 2023. The level of non-compliance in the five inspection reports published today continues to be of concern. These non-compliances related to areas that directly impacted on residents’ safety and quality of life and included a failure of management to adequately monitor their own centres and identify and address issues relating to areas such as positive behaviour support, residents’ personal plans, medication management and staffing. In one centre, the provider was required by inspectors to take urgent action to ensure the safety of residents due to challenging behaviour issues. The Chief Inspector is closely monitoring these centres and further escalatory action will be taken should there be a failure to ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents. 

The Chief Inspector also required the COPE Foundation to implement a governance improvement plan due to ongoing non-compliances in a number of their centres. The five reports published today were undertaken as part of a programme of inspections to verify the effectiveness of the provider’s actions to improve the safety and quality of life for residents. Non-compliances were found across these centres in areas such as fire safety, residents’ rights, personal plans, staffing and overall governance arrangements. The Chief Inspector is currently engaging with this provider in relation to the failure to address non-compliances and is closely monitoring the designated centres. 

Two non-compliant reports have been published on centres operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG. At one centre, a safety measure which did not have an adequate rationale was impacting on a resident’s right to privacy, while both centres required improvements in areas such as fire safety, premises, risk management and staff training.

At an Avista CLG centre, improvements were required to ensure that residents were supported to manage their personal possessions. 

Two reports containing non-compliances have been published on centres operated by the HSE. An urgent action was issued to the provider due to poor safeguarding practices at one centre, while compatibility issues were raised at another HSE centre.

At a centre operated by Cheeverstown House CLG, non-compliance was identified due to insufficient staffing, condition of the premises, fire safety and measures to protect against infection. A centre operated by L'Arche Ireland required improvements in managing medication, fire safety and premises. Two centres operated by Muiríosa Foundation required improvements in staff training, while urgent action was required due to fire safety precautions at one centre.

Improvements were required in measures to protect against infection at a centre operated by An Breacadh Nua. Fire safety measures and risk management were identified at a centre operated by National Association of Housing for Visually Impaired CLG.

At a centre operated by Enable Ireland, non-compliance was identified due to insufficient staffing and limited staff resources, remedial building works being required on the premises, and fire safety precautions.

Finally, insufficient staffing and residents’ personal possessions were identified at two centres operated by Praxis Care.