HIQA publishes its Corporate Plan 2019–2021

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published its Corporate Plan 2019–2021. 

HIQA’s mission is to improve health and social care services for the people of Ireland. The Corporate Plan 2019–2021 outlines HIQA’s core values and operating environment and sets out the key objectives it wishes to achieve by 2021.

HIQA CEO Phelim Quinn said: “HIQA strives for excellence and continually seeks to improve the quality of the work we do. Over the next three years, we will pursue an ambitious agenda and support the health and social care sector by consolidating our existing functions and assimilating new responsibilities.

“During the life of this corporate plan, we will target our resources to areas of risk and work with others to safeguard people who may be vulnerable. We will continue to conduct independent health technology assessments to support healthcare decision making, and we will develop high-quality standards and guidance for health and social care services. We will also provide advice and thought leadership in defining Ireland’s health information system.

“HIQA does not operate in isolation. To influence the delivery of safer, better services for the Irish public, we will continue to work with others on initiatives such as the National Care Experience Programme and HRB-CICER and on the development of standards. We will also establish a citizen forum that enables increased public and service user involvement in our work.”

The Corporate Plan 2019–2021 can be found here


Further Information: 

Marty Whelan, Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, HIQA

01 814 7480 / 086 2447 623, mwhelan@hiqa.ie