Inquiry into the circumstances that led to the failed transportation of Meadhbh McGivern for transplant surgery and the existing interagency arrangements in place for people requiring emergency transportation for transplant surgery

Date of publication:

Terms of Reference
This Inquiry will ascertain the circumstances in relation to the failure to provide timely integrated transfer of care to Meadhbh McGivern on 2 July 2011, in order to allow her to undergo transplant surgery King’s College Hospital, London. It will also review the current arrangements in place, within and between the relevant agencies and those contracted to provide services, for the purpose of the safe and prompt emergency transfer of care for people requiring transplant surgery. Arising from this Inquiry, the Authority will make recommendations to ensure that such arrangements are coordinated, safe and effective. The Terms of Reference for the Authority’s Inquiry are to:

1. Review the chronology of events in relation to the attempted transfer of Meadhbh McGivern, following confirmation of an available donor organ, up to and including the standing down of transportation.

2. Review the governance, communications, management and systems and processes in place for the current operational arrangements, within and between the relevant agencies, for the emergency transportation of a person requiring transplant surgery.

3. Make recommendations, where required, to ensure a person requiring care and transportation for transplant surgery receives integrated care which is coordinated effectively within and between the relevant agencies and service providers.

4. Make recommendations that the Inquiry deems appropriate in relation to the implementation by the relevant and accountable agencies of any findings and recommendations that may emanate from this Inquiry.

Further Information: 

For further information please contact:
Marty Whelan, Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement
01 8147481/ 086 2447623 or email