Draft Standard for Diagnosis and Adverse Reactions datasets and CDA specifications

Status: Published on

This consultation is now closed

  • Since 9 Dec 2015
What is this public consultation about?

The development of national standard datasets can help to standardise how patient information is recorded and can facilitate easier sharing of information within and between health and social care services. Currently there is no standardised datasets to describe a diagnosis or adverse reaction that can be used for electronic documents such as referrals, discharge summaries and in a national patient summaries record. We are developing standardised datasets for diagnosis and adverse reactions and a technical specification using the international standard known as Health Level 7 Clinical Document Architecture which will facilitate the sharing of diagnosis and adverse reaction information.

We welcome your views to help inform the final national standard dataset and CDA specifications for Diagnosis and Adverse Reactions. You can complete the consultation form by way of the online survey below.

Alternatively please fill in the consultation feedback form and e-mail the completed form to technicalstandards@hiqa.ie or post it to Health Information and Quality Authority, National Standard Demographic Dataset, Georges Court, Georges Lane, Dublin 7.

In the meantime if you have any questions about the draft standards you can contact the consultation team directly by email at technicalstandards@hiqa.ie or phone on (01) 8147685

  • Draft National Standard for a Diagnosis Dataset and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Template
