Public consultation to inform the draft principles

Status: Published on
Draft principles

HIQA has developed a draft set of principles to underpin all future national standards for health and social care services. The principles, once finalised, will be used as HIQA’s standards development framework, instead of the eight-theme framework which HIQA has used to develop standards since 2012.

The four draft principles are:

  • a human rights-based approach,
  • safety and wellbeing,
  • responsiveness, and
  • accountability.

A public consultation on the Draft National Standards for Children’s Social Services commenced on 10 March 2021. This is the first time the draft principles have been used and as such is an opportunity to test them in practice. In addition to the content of the draft national standards for children's social services, feedback is being sought on the principles underpinning them.

We would welcome your feedback on the use of these draft principles as a framework for developing national standards. In particular, we would like to know how you think these principles would work in the context of the health or social care service you work in or use. 

We will carefully assess all feedback received and use it, along with other available evidence, to develop the draft principles as a framework for developing national standards.

The fastest way to complete this consultation is to complete the online questionnaire

Your comments can also be submitted by downloading the consultation feedback form below and then emailing your completed form to us at:

Alternatively, you can complete and post the completed form to us at:

Health Information and Quality Authority

Draft National Standards for Children's Social Services

Dublin Regional Office

George's Court, George's Lane

Smithfield, Dublin 7

D07 E98Y.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Wednesday, 21 April 2021.

We would welcome your feedback on the use of these draft principles as a framework for developing national standards. In particular, we would like to know how you think these principles would work in the context of the health or social care service you work in or use. 

The consultation feedback form is available online or in pdf format below.

HIQA has published an evidence review to inform the development of draft principles. The review looked at the current use of principles in Ireland and how other countries around the world have used principles in health and social care.

For further information or if you have any questions, you can email the Standards Team at or call 01 814 7400 and ask to speak to a member of the Standards Team.

  • Draft principles feedback form

  • Draft principles
