Public scoping consultation to inform the development of Draft National Standards for Home Support Services

Status: Published on

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is developing Draft National Standards for Home Support Services in Ireland. The national standards will aim to promote progressive quality improvements in home support services and give a shared voice to the expectations of the public, people using services, service providers and staff. 

The Programme for Government (2020) commits to the introduction of a statutory scheme to support people to live in their own homes, providing access to high-quality, regulated homecare. This scheme is currently under development within the Department of Health. The scheme intends to provide equitable access to high-quality services, based on a person’s assessed care needs. HIQA is developing these draft national standards for organisations who provide home support services, to complement the primary legislation and minimum requirements (regulations) being developed by the government.

When we start developing standards, we consult with people who have experience of those services. We want to know what areas the standards should address, how these new standards can be put in to practice and examples of good practice. We are also interested in your views on the evidence and information that should be considered when developing the draft national standards and key stakeholders we should consult with. This is called a scoping consultation.

We welcome comments from people using home support services, their families and carers and staff working in home support services, advocates, researchers and policy-makers.  

We will carefully assess all comments received and use them, along with other available evidence and information, to develop the draft national standards.

  • Your comments can also be submitted by downloading and completing the consultation form below and then emailing your completed form to us at:
  • Alternatively you can post the completed form to us at:

              Health Information and Quality Authority       

              Draft National Standards for Home Support Services  

              Dublin Regional Office       

              George’s Court, George’s Lane                                                                 

              Smithfield, Dublin 7

              D07 E98Y 

At the end of this scoping consultation, your comments will be collated and used to help inform the development of the draft national standards. Once the draft standards have been developed, we will conduct a public consultation on the draft standards, which will be available for comment for a period of six weeks on our website.

For further information or if you have any questions, you can email our Standards Team at or or call 01 814 7400 and ask for a member of the team to contact you.

Please submit your feedback form online or return it to us either by email or post by 5pm on Friday, 1 October 2021. 

  • Consultation feedback form
