Scoping Consultation to inform the development of Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services

Status: Published on
Scoping Consultation

HIQA is developing Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services.

HIQA recognises the importance of increasing the quality and safety of care and support for all children when they are using health and social care services provided by statutory agencies, as well as by private and voluntary service providers. These services include GPs, primary care services, hospitals, child protection and welfare services, children’s residential centres, services for children with disabilities, and mental health services. These overarching national standards have the potential to improve the experience of all children using health and social care services, by promoting clarity, consistency and continuity within and between services, and to focus services on the child first, rather than on the individual service needs. These standards, written from the perspective of a child, will help health and social care services to plan for and deliver high quality child-centred services.

The development of overarching national standards also provides HIQA with an opportunity to create a framework for the development of more specific standards or guidance that describe in more detail how services can care for and support children in a particular context, if required.

When we start developing standards, we consult with people who have experience of those services. We ask what areas the standards should address, to describe how these new standards can be put in to practice, to share examples of good practice and to identify key stakeholders who should be consulted. This is called a Scoping Consultation.

As these standards will apply to all children’s health and social care services, we welcome feedback from children and young people using services, their families, advocates, staff working with children and young people, and policy makers.

We will carefully assess all feedback received and use it, along with other available evidence and information, to develop the Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services

The fastest way is to complete the online questionnaire

Your comments can also be submitted by downloading and completing the consultation feedback form below and then emailing your completed form to us at:

Alternatively, you can complete and post the completed form to us at:

Health Information and Quality Authority

Overarching Standards for Children’s Health and Social Care Services,

Dublin Regional Office

George’s Court, George’s Lane

Smithfield, Dublin 7

D07 E98Y

The consultation feedback form is available online or in pdf format..

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm on 23 September 2020.

At the end of this scoping consultation, your comments will be collated and used to help inform the development of the overarching national standards. In the coming months, we will conduct a public consultation on the draft overarching national standards, which will be available for comment for a period of six weeks on our website.

For further information or if you have any questions, you can email the Standards Team at or call 01 814 7400 and ask to speak to a member of the Standards Team.