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Duration of immunity and reinfection following SARS-CoV-2 infection

Status: Published on

An evidence update on this topic was performed by HIQA in February 2021 here ->

Advice to NPHET


HIQA provides evidence based advice to support the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET). The advice provided to NPHET is informed by research evidence developed by HIQA’s COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis Team and with expert input from HIQA’s COVID-19 Expert Advisory Group.

Evidence summary

This evidence summary details the best available evidence to answer the following question: 'What is the rate of reinfection/duration of immunity in individuals who recover from a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection?'

The first report on this research question was published on 13 May 2020 with subsequent updates on 9 June 2020 and 6 August 2020. Previous versions can be accessed here.

For the present update, the scope of the review has been refined to focus on the following specific research questions:

“For individuals who recover from a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection:

  1. Is reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 possible?
  2. What is the long-term duration of the antibody response?”

Supporting documents