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Guidelines for Economic Evaluation

Status: Published on
What are these Guidelines?

Economic evaluation addresses both the costs and health benefits associated with a health technology. Through economic analysis (for example, a cost-effectiveness or cost-utility analysis) estimates of the additional health benefit gained from investment in a technology (for example, the cost per additional quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained) can be made

The purpose of the economic evaluation guidelines is to promote the production of Health Technologies Assessments (HTAs) that evaluate the costs and health benefits of a technology in accordance with best international practice. This in turn promotes the development of high quality HTAs that are relevant to the Irish healthcare system.

The guidelines are intended to inform HTAs conducted by, or on behalf of the Health Information and Quality Authority, the Department of Health, the HSE and the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics, to include health technology suppliers preparing applications for reimbursement. The guidelines are of relevance to those conducting HTAs elsewhere in the system and also as a reference source for those using HTAs to inform decision making.

The guidelines also have relevance for patient groups, the general public, clinicians, other healthcare providers, academic groups and the manufacturing industry.

These guidelines were developed by the HTA directorate in consultation with the Authority’s HTA Scientific Advisory Group. The guidelines were first published by the Authority in 2010 and subsequently updated in 2014 following review of the published literature and feedback obtained through a public consultation process.

The draft documents that were made available during the public consultation process are also available - please contact or