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Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement

Status: Published on
What are these Guidelines?

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) considers the impact of introducing a new technology. Stakeholders can include patients or their representative organisations, health professionals, service providers, and decision makers from the HSE and Department of Health. The use of engagement facilitates stakeholder input into an assessment, ensuring they have a voice and their perspective is given due consideration.

The purpose of the stakeholder engagement guidelines is to promote best practice with regard to the involvement of stakeholders in HTA in the Irish healthcare setting.

The guidelines are intended to inform HTAs conducted by, or on behalf of the Health Information and Quality Authority, the Department of Health, the HSE and the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics, to include health technology suppliers preparing applications for reimbursement. The guidelines are of relevance to those conducting HTAs elsewhere in the system and also as a reference source for those using HTAs to inform decision making.

The guidelines also have relevance for patient groups, the general public, clinicians, other healthcare providers, academic groups and the manufacturing industry.

These guidelines have been developed by the HTA directorate in consultation with the Authority’s HTA Scientific Advisory Group (SAG). Following endorsement by the SAG, the draft Guidelines were made available for broader public consultation. The draft guidelines were revised as appropriate and were subsequently approved by the Board of the Authority before publication.