Chapter 4 - Immunisation and Health Information for Health-Care Workers and Others in At-Risk Occupations

Status: Updated on

Workers in a variety of occupations may be exposed to infectious agentsduring their employment. In the Irish workforce, the largest at risk group is healthcare workers (HCWs). Other groups at significant risk include security
and emergency services workers. 

A Health and Safety Risk Assessment should be performed to establish if vaccinations are required for employees in a particular work setting. This is required under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013. It should ideally occur before commencing employment or work placement. A decision to vaccinate a worker should be based on the activities they perform rather than their job title. 

Routine vaccines
All staff should be up to date with their routine immunisations, e.g. tetanus, diphtheria, polio, pertussis and MMR. Staff should also be up to date with age appropriate vaccines e.g. MenC. Staff should also be up to date with COVID-19 and influenza vaccines or other vaccines recommended due to any underlying medical condition. 

Travel vaccines 
Persons who travel abroad in the course of their work are advised to have a travel health risk assessment by a comp tent health professional at least six weeks prior to the intended travel date. Employers should facilitate access to such professional advice, at least six weeks prior to the intended travel date