The provider portal is the safest most efficient and effective means of submitting your statutory notifications, — click here to register your account or to log in.
As a registered provider or person in charge of a designated centre, you are legally required to notify us within certain time fames about certain incidents, events or changes within your centre.
The timescales for notifying us of the different types of incidents that occur in designated centres vary depending on the nature of the incident
Depending on the nature of the incident, event or change, you must notify us ‘within three working days’, ‘at the end of each quarter’, ‘on a six-monthly basis’ and in response to proposed changes within the designated centre (for example, change of person in charge).
Failure to do so may indicate non-compliance with the regulations.
Click here to register your account or to log in to submit notifications.
Alternatively, you can download the relevant form directly and email to
For further guidance on notification types and requirements, see Monitoring notifications handbook for older people providers.
NF01 - Portal
Person in chargeThe unexpected death of any resident, including the death of any resident following transfer to hospital from the designated centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF01-Notification-of-the-death-of-any-resident.pdf200.71 KBNF02 - Portal
Person in chargeOutbreak of any notifiable disease (including COVID-19) as identified and published by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF02-Notification-of-an-outbreak-of-an-notifiable-disease.pdf267.24 KBNF02A - Portal
Person in chargeThis form is only to be submitted at the request of the Chief Inspector in relation to the management of infectious diseases in the designated centre
Time frame In line with the Chief Inspector’s requestNF02A_Suspected_or_confirmed_incidence_of_Covid-19.pdf102.59 KBNF03 - Portal
Person in chargeSerious injury to a resident that requires immediate medical and/or hospital treatment
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF03-Notification-of-any-serious-injury-to-a-resident.pdf334.23 KBNF05 - Portal
Person in chargeAny unexplained absence of a resident from the designated centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF05-Notification-of-any-unexplained-absence-of-a-resident-from-the-designated-centre.pdf233.9 KBNF06 - Portal
Person in chargeAny allegation, suspected or confirmed abuse of any resident
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF06-Notification-of-any-alleged-abuse.pdf305.66 KBNF07 - Portal
Person in chargeAny allegation of misconduct by the registered provider or by staff
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF07-Notification-of-misconduct.pdf273.52 KBNF08 - Portal
Person in chargeAny occasion where the registered provider becomes aware that a member of staff is the subject of review by a professional body
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF08-Notification-of-review-by-professional-body.pdf266.47 KBNF09 - Portal
Person in chargeAny fire, any loss of power, heating or water, and any incident where an unplanned evacuation of the centre took place
Time frame Within 3 working daysNF09-Notification-of-fire-any-loss-of-power-or-heating-or-water.pdf293.16 KB
Person in charge
Any occasion when restraint was used
Any occasion on which the fire alarm equipment is operated other than for the purpose of fire practice, drill or test of equipment
A recurring pattern of theft or burglary
Any death, including cause of death, other than those specified above
Any pressure ulcer (category II or higher) sustained by a resident
Submission dates for return of the quarterly notification form are:
- 31 January (for incidents that took place in October, November and December)
- 30 April (for incidents that took place in January, February and March)
- 31 July (for incidents that took place in April, May and June)
- 31 October (for incidents that took place in July, August and September).
NF39 A - Portal
Any occasion where restraint was usedNF39A_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Restraints.pdf442.52 KBNF39 B - Portal
Any occasion of fire alarm activationNF39B_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Fire_alarm_activation.pdf351.87 KBNF39 C - Portal
Any recurring pattern of theft or burglaryNF39C_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Theft_or_burglary.pdf483.39 KBNF39 D - Portal
Any death(s) other than those notified under NF01NF39D_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Deaths_not_requiring_3_day_notification.pdf514.45 KBNF39 E - Portal
Any pressure ulcer (category II or higher) sustained by a residentNF39E_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Pressure_ulcers.pdf499.49 KB
Registered provider
You should submit this form to the Chief Inspector every six months if there has been no occurrence of any incident required to be notified to the Chief Inspector. This includes any incidents outlined in the NF39 quarterly notification forms or three-day notifications.
Submission dates for return of the Nil Return of quarterly and or three day Notification Form are 31 July (covering the period January to June) and 31 January (covering the period July to December)
NF40 - Portal
Nil return of quarterly and or three day notificationNF40_Nil_return_of_quarterly_andor_three_day_return_Notification_Form_DCOP.pdf533.94 KB
As a registered provider or person in charge of a designated centre, you are legally required to notify us within certain time fames about certain incidents, events or changes within your centre.
The provider portal is the safest most efficient and effective means of submitting your statutory notifications, — click here to register your account or to log in.
The timescales for notifying us of the different types of incidents that occur in designated centres vary depending on the nature of the incident
Depending on the nature of the incident, event or change, you must notify us ‘within three working days’, ‘at the end of each quarter’, ‘on a six-monthly basis’ and in response to proposed changes within the designated centre (for example, change of person in charge).
Failure to do so may indicate non-compliance with the regulations.
Click here to register your account or to log in to submit notifications.
Alternatively, you can download the relevant form directly and email to
For further guidance on notification types and requirements, see Monitoring notifications handbook for older people providers.
NF01 - Portal
Person in chargeThe unexpected death of any resident, including the death of any resident following transfer to hospital from the designated centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF01-Notification-of-the-death-of-any-resident.pdf200.71 KBNF02 - Portal
Person in chargeOutbreak of any notifiable disease (including COVID-19) as identified and published by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF02-Notification-of-an-outbreak-of-an-notifiable-disease.pdf267.24 KBNF02A - Portal
Person in chargeThis form is only to be submitted at the request of the Chief Inspector in relation to the management of infectious diseases in the designated centre
Time frame In line with the Chief Inspector’s requestNF02A_Suspected_or_confirmed_incidence_of_Covid-19.pdf102.59 KBNF03 - Portal
Person in chargeSerious injury to a resident that requires immediate medical and/or hospital treatment
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF03-Notification-of-any-serious-injury-to-a-resident.pdf334.23 KBNF05 - Portal
Person in chargeAny unexplained absence of a resident from the designated centre
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF05-Notification-of-any-unexplained-absence-of-a-resident-from-the-designated-centre.pdf233.9 KBNF06 - Portal
Person in chargeAny allegation, suspected or confirmed abuse of any resident
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF06-Notification-of-any-alleged-abuse.pdf305.66 KBNF07 - Portal
Person in chargeAny allegation of misconduct by the registered provider or by staff
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF07-Notification-of-misconduct.pdf273.52 KBNF08 - Portal
Person in chargeAny occasion where the registered provider becomes aware that a member of staff is the subject of review by a professional body
Time frame Within 3 working days of the incidentNF08-Notification-of-review-by-professional-body.pdf266.47 KBNF09 - Portal
Person in chargeAny fire, any loss of power, heating or water, and any incident where an unplanned evacuation of the centre took place
Time frame Within 3 working daysNF09-Notification-of-fire-any-loss-of-power-or-heating-or-water.pdf293.16 KB
Person in charge
Any occasion when restraint was used
Any occasion on which the fire alarm equipment is operated other than for the purpose of fire practice, drill or test of equipment
A recurring pattern of theft or burglary
Any death, including cause of death, other than those specified above
Any pressure ulcer (category II or higher) sustained by a resident
Submission dates for return of the quarterly notification form are:
- 31 January (for incidents that took place in October, November and December)
- 30 April (for incidents that took place in January, February and March)
- 31 July (for incidents that took place in April, May and June)
- 31 October (for incidents that took place in July, August and September).
NF39 A - Portal
Any occasion where restraint was usedNF39A_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Restraints.pdf442.52 KBNF39 B - Portal
Any occasion of fire alarm activationNF39B_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Fire_alarm_activation.pdf351.87 KBNF39 C - Portal
Any recurring pattern of theft or burglaryNF39C_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Theft_or_burglary.pdf483.39 KBNF39 D - Portal
Any death(s) other than those notified under NF01NF39D_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Deaths_not_requiring_3_day_notification.pdf514.45 KBNF39 E - Portal
Any pressure ulcer (category II or higher) sustained by a residentNF39E_Quarterly_returns_DCOP_Pressure_ulcers.pdf499.49 KB
Registered provider
You should submit this form to the Chief Inspector every six months if there has been no occurrence of any incident required to be notified to the Chief Inspector. This includes any incidents outlined in the NF39 quarterly notification forms or three-day notifications.
Submission dates for return of the Nil Return of quarterly and or three day Notification Form are 31 July (covering the period January to June) and 31 January (covering the period July to December)
NF40 - Portal
Nil return of quarterly and or three day notificationNF40_Nil_return_of_quarterly_andor_three_day_return_Notification_Form_DCOP.pdf533.94 KB