The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition. The use of standardised language is important for clarity and consistency and all providers of social care are encouraged to use the Lexicon in their communications with HIQA. Below are links to useful documents as well as a search function for the Lexicon.

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  • Guidance for providers on submitting notifications

  • Lexicon for Social Care (PDF)

  • Infographic about the Lexicon


Lexicon catalogue

Displaying 277 - 288 of 411 results.
Term Description


A person whose job is to treat problems and diseases of people's feet.


A document which sets out how individuals or an organisation should behave in a certain context.


Deliberate placement of the patient/service user or, a body part to promote physiological and/or psychological well-being.

Positive Behaviour Support plan (PBSP)

An individualised, value-based care and support plan that involves analysis in order to understand why behaviours that challenge are occurring by identifying potential triggers and focussing on altering these triggers to reduce the likelihood of such behaviours being repeated.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Behaviour support plan; BSP

Positive behavioural support (PBS)

A multicomponent framework for (a) developing an understanding of the challenging behaviour displayed by an individual, based on an assessment of the social and physical environment and broader context within which it occurs; (b) with the inclusion of stakeholder perspectives and involvement; (c) using this understanding to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a personalised and enduring system of support; and (d) that enhances quality of life outcomes for the focal person and other stakeholders.


An action that is taken to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening.

Preliminary assessment

Initial information gathering to determine whether and how to proceed.

Preliminary screening (abuse)

A process to establish if there are reasonable grounds for concern.

Preliminary screening form

The prescribed document used to gather information about a safeguarding concern or abuse allegation.


The land and buildings owned an organisation that provides care and support.

Pressure sore

Injuries to the skin and/or underlying tissue caused by prolonged pressure on the skin.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Pressure ulcer; PU; bed sore

Pressure-relieving mattress

A mattress designed to maintain tissue integrity by equalising and redistributing pressure over larger contact areas.