The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition. The use of standardised language is important for clarity and consistency and all providers of social care are encouraged to use the Lexicon in their communications with HIQA. Below are links to useful documents as well as a search function for the Lexicon.

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  • Guidance for providers on submitting notifications

  • Lexicon for Social Care (PDF)

  • Infographic about the Lexicon


Lexicon catalogue

Displaying 301 - 312 of 411 results.
Term Description


A piece of information or a description of an event that is written on paper or stored on a computer.

Recreational facilities

Indoor or outdoor spaces made available for people to engage in activities such as sports, exercise or socialising.


Where a staff member attempts to attract a person's attention away from something to prevent or put a stop to a potentially negative interaction.


Sending a request to another service or specialist for the purposes of assessment or treatment of a person.

Reflective practice

Learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice.

Registered nurse (nurse)

A person qualified and registered to provide nursing care to people who are ill or injured.

Registered provider

An person (either natual or by law) providing residential care services in ireland operating in line with the Health Act 2007 (as amended) registered with HIQA.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : RP; Service provider; Support provider; Registered provider representative

Regulation (regulate)

To check that the activities of a business or organization are legal and follow official rules or laws.


An independent authority established to inspect and monitor the provision of health and social services.


A member of a person's family.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Relation

Relief staff

Persons employed by the employer to replace employees during a short-term absence such as but not limited to vacation or sick leave.

Alternative term(s) not to be used : Temporary staff

Religious rights

The freedom to practise your religion.